Staff of Color Association


Our Mission

The Staff of Color Association (SOCA) is committed to promoting the interests and advocating for staff at the University of Denver from historically unrepresented races and ethnicities. We honor and celebrate the diversity of our cultures and actively contribute to the University by:

  • 为成员提供一个支持性的社区和勇敢的空间,
  • 培养对所有交叉经历的归属感,
  • 分享yzcca88游戏登录网址校园氛围的知识,
  • Providing support for the recruitment of diverse candidates throughout the University, and
  • Establishing meaningful connections between staff, students, and faculty of color.

Our Vision

To establish a culture of acceptance of others free of biases based on differences of any kind through a commitment to individual and organizational efforts to build respect, dignity, fairness, caring, equality, and self-efficacy.

On this page:

Upcoming Meetings

Join SOCA Today! 我们的午餐会议是开放给所有员工在杜. 给我们发邮件加入我们的神奇小组. 收到您的电子邮件后,我们会将您添加到我们的SOCA家庭团队组.

When: 每月第三个星期三中午十二时至下午一时.m
Where: Renaissance Room, 2nd Floor Mary Reed (This might change depending on availability)
Please RSVP to all our events because we want to make sure we have enough food.

2022-2023 meeting dates.

  • 1月17日:玛丽·里德学院2楼文艺复兴厅
    • Cigna的介绍之后是Q&A [30 minutes total]
      • General
      • MotivateMe
      • Behavioral Health
  • 1月30日:与校长和教务长举行季度会议
  • 2月21日:文艺复兴房,玛丽里德二楼
    • Free chair massage 12:00 - 3:30
  • 3月20日:社区共享2600
  • 4月17日:玛丽里德学院2楼文艺复兴厅
  • 5月13日:与校长和教务长举行季度会议
  • 6月6日:年终社交狂欢节

Meeting Minutes

SOCA has moved to,您需要注册为会员才能访问.

Past Meeting Topics & Activities

  • Advocacy
  • Meet with Dean candidates
  • LinkedIn profile workshop
  • Tuition Waiver usage
  • Resume Services
  • Managing Up training
  • Social Mixers
  • Support DU Affinity Groups
  • 推进多元化和包容性卓越
  • Performance reviews
  • Professional Development


SOCA Officers

新职员的选举在每年四月的会议上举行. 有关更多信息,请参阅我们的章程.

  • 联合主席:Waltrina DeFrantz-Dufor,
  • Co-Chair: Fatima Rezaie,
  • 秘书:Fatima Rezaie, Fatima
  • Treasurer: Kathy Aliaga,
  • 主持人:安杰丽卡·阿丹,安杰丽卡
  • 参议院联络员:卡蒂亚·米勒,卡蒂亚
  • Webmaster: Alex Martinez,
  • Membership & Recruitment:

SOCA Bylaws

有色人种协会职员章程, yzcca88游戏登录网址的一个员工组织, approved in June 2011.

  • Article 1: Name, Mission & History

    Recognizing the unique experiences of Staff of Color and the need for support, 有色人种协会的工作人员 established with the support of the Center of Multicultural Excellence in February 2011. The mission of the group is to create a transformative and supportive community to promote personal and professional growth through shared experiences, 为有色人种员工提供战略和资源. The organization will to serve as a means to assist the University in recruiting, retaining and advocating, Staff of Color. 

    While SOCA efforts will focus on issues facing Staff of Color the group acknowledges that any issues it will address will also positively impact all DU Staff. The organization will work to collaborate with other staff focused organizations (such as Staff 咨询委员会),因为双方的利益有交集. 

    通过定期会议和方案编制,社会协调委员会集中于问题 that include but are not limited to: 

    • 网络和社区建设 

    • Professional Development 

    • Raising and addressing issues related to the success of Staff of Color at the University of Denver 

  • Article 2: Membership

    Membership is open to any staff member 目前就职于yzcca88游戏登录网址. Attendance at programs and meetings is open to all other interested parties, 但只有会员才能在选举或其他事项上投票. M成员名册将由秘书保存.  该组织将从……招募成员 all levels of the University and is not exclusively for benefited or non-exempt staff. 

  • Article 3: Officers

    The following officers shall constitute the governing body of the Staff of Color Association. The term of office is two years. Individuals may not hold the same office for more than three consecutive years. 官员也可以担任协调员职位, but may not hold more than one of the officer positions at any given time.  

    Co-Chairs: Two Co-Chairs shall be elected on an annual basis according to the terms set forth in this document. 联合主席的职责包括, 但不限于:确定会议的时间和地点, chairing meetings, 在公开声明和著作中代表SOCA, 与其他官员和成员或协调员密切合作, providing overall guidance in the management of the organization and approving expenditures as needed.

    Secretary: The Secretary is responsible for keeping the minutes and taking attendance at meetings; publicizing meetings and other programs; providing minutes to the membership in a timely manner and conducting meetings in the absence of the Co-Chairs.

    财务主管:财务主管将编制年度预算, 管理组织的预算, ensure organization bills are paid in a timely fashion; and presenting a report on the budget to the membership as needed. The Treasurer must have knowledge and access to the University’s financial system to perform duties.

    Webmaster: The Webmaster is responsible for maintaining the website and social media accounts in a timely fashion in order to facilitate communication and marketing of the organization.

    Social & Recruitment: This position is responsible for working closely with the officers and webmaster to publicize the activities and goals of group and to encourage membership throughout the University. The Social and Recruitment Chair is responsible for maintaining the SOCA listserv and managing the organization’s membership. 职责还包括, but is not limited to: creating or updating brochures; creating flyers; providing news releases to University or other Media, etc.

  • 第四条:协调员职位

    除了列出的官员职位 in Article 3, SOCA shall maintain 以下协调员职位为常备职位. 这些人由联合主席在下列情况下任命 soliciting volunteers. The term of office is one year. There is no limit to the number of terms an individual may be elected to the same position or the number of concurrent positions that may be held by an individual, 但领导层的多样性是有价值的.

    联络职员谘询委员会.  The SAC Liaison will attend SAC meeting 定期代表SOCA并向SOCA成员通报最新情况 of the activities of SAC.  

  • Article 5: Nominations & Elections

    官员的提名应是 solicited 在四月的会议上发表,并透过电邮服务向委员公布。 website or other means. 选举将在每年五月的会议上举行Winners will be elected by a simple majority vote of members via email and/or by those present at the meeting. Vacancies that occur before the annual election shall be filled by appointment at the discretion of the co-chairs. 

  • Article 6: Meetings

    定期会议应按月举行 在校园内任何合适的地点进行至少一小时的培训 or virtually. Special 委员会可自行决定是否召开会议 co-chairs.

  • Article 7: External Consultant

    SOCA members may recruit an external consultant to the group to provide 支持和鼓励 co-c头发和其他成员在实现 organizations goals. This consultant may be 来自yzcca88游戏登录网址内部或外部 community, but 必须同意在需要时全年自愿工作. 

  • 第八条:章程的修订

    These bylaws may be amended at any meeting by a 2/3 majority vote provided that the proposed amendment was announced and publicized to the membership at least one month in advance of the amending date. 

Contact Us

Email us your interest to join, comments, concerns, 向色彩协会职员提出的问题或会议建议:

SOCA History

SOCA began in early 2011 with support from the Center for Multicultural Excellence, and worked closely with Human Resources to promote and provide joint programming for staff development.  SOCA is now an organization within the University that focuses on issues that are critically important to the retention and promotion, networking, community building, 以及有色人种员工的专业发展.

SOCA的长期目标是支持任何需要支持的工作人员.  我们重点采取以下措施:

  • Collaborate with appropriate department to offer resources for finding qualified diverse employees
  • 为有色人种员工提供校园支持
  • 鼓励保留有色人种员工
  • 促进有色人种员工的包容性卓越